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斯蒂芬·库里,美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,下面是我为你整理的库里英文简介,希望对你有用!斯蒂芬·库里简介Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors.Stephen Curry in 2009 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2014-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup.Stephen Curry in 2010 with the US team won the World Championships in Turkey, in 2014 with the US team won the Spanish Basketball World Cup斯蒂芬·库里技术特点attack:Stephen Curry is good at dribbling jumper, shooting can cover the entire halftime. Curry ball excellent, you can find one-on-one through the ball to find a shot opportunity, a large number of three from the dry pull. As the body is thin, Curry is not easy to enter the restricted area, playing the lack of aggressive. Curry is not really the traditional point guard, but he projected too much deterrent force, it is easy to attract opponents defense attack, library to create teammates scoring opportunity is very strong. But Curry is also prone to mistakes, sometimes adventure pass.Defense:Defensive end library because the body is too thin, need protection, but the library quickly, shot quick, good defense effect.斯蒂芬·库里场外生活personal lifeStephen Curry's father named Dell Curry, was the 20th century, the eighties and nineties NBA famous shooter, 1993-94 season won the annual "best sixth man", the 1998-99 season to 47.6% of the hit Rate to become the regular season "three kings", Curry has been his father as his idol.Stephen Curry's wife is Ayersa Alexander Curry, who is known in the church activities where both parents are involved. Although after graduating from high school two different paths, Ayersa went to Los Angeles to their own entertainment dream, and Curry chose to play basketball, but separated the two did not let the two romance termination. July 30, 2011, Curry and his girlfriend Ayersa ended nearly four years of love long-distance running, officially married.In July 2012, Curry and Ayea's first child were born. In July 2015, their second child was born, both of whom were daughters.Stephen Curry's brother is Seth Curry.social activityNovember 6, 2011, Stephen Curry participated in the former Warriors player Matt Barnes launched the player against the cancer charity tournament, against both sides is the Warriors and the 2007 Warriors. Curry contributed 34 points and 13 rebounds and 12 rebounds to help the Warriors to 158-153 victory over the 2007 old warriors to win.February 11, 2014, NBA official announced that the Golden State Warriors defender Stephen Kuri for the San Francisco Bay area community building a strong assistance and charity initiatives, won the January "Kia Community Assistance Award." It is reported that Curry donated $ 10,000 to the charity "Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area" to help those in need of help in the Bay Area.June 29, 2015, Warriors headed Stephen Stephen Curry won the Sports (Sportsman of the year) for the United States BET (Black Entertainment TV Awards, Black Entertainment TV Awards).July 14, 2016, Stephen Curry won the ESPY annual record-breaking performance award.July 31, 2016, 2016 US Youth Choice Award Ceremony was held at the center of Granville, Stephen Curry won the Best Male Athlete Award.AnecdotesJune 4, 2009, 2009 rookie completely measured results announced, Stephen Curry lying pushed actually pushed 10 times, vertical bounce and Griffin is the same.January 16, 2010, the Warriors against the Bucks, due to injury, Warriors only 8 players can play the game, when the main defender Anthony Morrow played only 4 minutes because the knee injury after the warriors completely into the no People available situation, with more than Derins, Curry, Hunter has received six offenders have been sent off after the warriors and even five players can not play together. In accordance with the rules of the NBA, any party must meet the five people play, so 6 graduation of the library had to re-go into battle, and played the game the last 4 seconds.In the summer of 2011, the NBA was stuck, and Stephen Curry returned to his alma mater, Davidson College, to continue his studies. Let the US media is more respected, the library is not only a very cool approachable player, and he is still a selfless player. For example, when he was in college against the University of Loyola, because Curry personal scoring ability is too strong, so the other side of his audience double team, Curry did not force shot, but for his teammates created a 4 hit 3 situation, The results of the audience did not score the game, but his team was 30 points advantage victory.


金州勇士队。斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry),全名沃德尔·斯蒂芬·库里二世(Wardell Stephen Curry II),1988年3月14日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国职业篮球运动员。斯蒂芬·库里于2009年通过选秀进入NBA后一直效力于金州勇士队至今(2022年3月)。荣誉:新秀赛季入选最佳新秀第一阵容。2014-15、2016-17、2017-18赛季三次夺得NBA总冠军。两次荣膺常规赛MVP。2015-16、2020-21赛季两次当选NBA常规赛得分王。7次入选最佳阵容(4次一阵、2次二阵、1次三阵)。8次入选全明星首发阵容。2021年12月成为NBA历史三分王。2022年2月当选全明星正赛MVP。




斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry,1988年3月14日出生)。如今的库里也有三十三岁了,已经到了生涯末年,但他的名号已经响彻世界各地,在篮球 历史 上拥有他一席之地。 2009年被金州勇士队选中,从此进入NBA。他的顺位并不算高,也并未立即被勇士确认为核心球员。因为他天赋平平,他没有詹姆斯强壮如牛的身体,他没有杜兰特身高手长的臂展,他没有欧文那快如闪电的突破速度,他也没有克里斯保罗那传统控卫的风采。他有的是羸弱的身体和不被看好的未来。然而就是这么一名平平无奇的球员逆天改命,他用一手精准的三分改变了篮球打球方式,开创了篮球的小球时代。他得分手段多样,能突善投;他出手速度极快,很少被盖;他努力积极防守,不停奔跑。他终靠自己的努力成为一名划时代的篮球运动员,目前职业生涯12年,3次获得总冠军,2次荣膺常规赛MVP(其中一次是NBA 历史 唯一一次全票通过)。两次获得得分王,多次入选最佳阵容,多次入选全明星,还帮助美国男篮夺得2010年世锦赛冠军。为什么说库里是真正的超级巨星呢?因为他不是天之骄子,他是靠着自己的努力改变了别人,成就了自己。也正是因为他的天赋平平,让很多球员嫉妒羡慕库里取得的成就,因为他们感觉库里天赋不如他们却成就远高于他们。强如詹姆斯杜兰特取得的成就本就在人们的期望之内,并且他俩还分别有报团,投敌的事情被诟病。而库里几乎没有任何瑕疵,他脾气超好,从不抱怨。打球干净,帮助身边的队友打出身价。 首富的儿子成为首富并不惊奇,穷人的儿子成为首富那才叹为观止。库里就是这么一个令人叹为观止的球员。他用一己之力改变了篮球风向标,他让更多天赋平平的人投入到这项运动中,他是真正的篮球巨星。他就是斯蒂芬库里!!!



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