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My favorite hobby is play basketball.I usually play basketball with my friends in the park,and i like to play shooting guard because of my height.Although i dont play very well,i always try my best to play as hard as i can.Honestly,I don't think victory is very important,but i still want my team win the game.Clearly,I am enjoying every game i play,and i am feeling happy when i made shot.Since i want to improve my shooting skill and physical power,i can accept any hard training.The more i play,the more i advance.I love to play basketball,and that's the hobby i love the most.


<1>With theLakersdealingforPauGasolandMiamiandPhoenixdealingShaqandShawnMarion.............<主要想知道dealingfor连在人名之间是什么意思?>湖人要换来了PaulGasol,热火用奥尼尔和凤凰交换肖恩马里昂(和班克斯)deal就是交易,deal谁呢,要谁呢,就用for。所以dealfor就是交易谁谁谁<2>在篮球里XXXties和XXXleadchanges是什么意思?tie就是平,lead就是领先,多少次打平多少次交换领先地位<3>Adid-you-see-thatdunkfromJeamesandaDwyaneWadeblockonaDirkNowitzkithree-pointtrywith25.9secondslefttoprotectafour-pointEastlead.这句话要完整翻译,特别想知道did-you-see-thatdunk是什么意思?didyouseethatdunk:你看见那个灌篮了吗你看见James那个灌篮和韦德对诺维斯基在倒数25.9秒时的三分远射作出的盖帽,保住东部球队的领先地位。<4>AmareStoudemiremadeastealandblock,firedinarunnerandagrabbedabigreboundtogivetheWesta122-199leadwith2:45left.这句话也要完整翻译,特别是stealandblock和firedinarunner是什么意思?Amare Stoudemire作出了一个抢断和盖帽,跑动中投篮,抢到一个篮板,使西部在终场前2分45秒以122-119领先。


My favorite sport My favorite sport is basketball.After class, I often play it with my friends.Playing basketball is very interesting.We usaully play it happily.After school,my father plays basketball with me.My father often says playing basketball is good for my health.(爸爸常说打篮球对健康有好处)I like playing basketball very much.按你的要求写的哟!祝你学习进步!成绩更优秀!
Basketball is a teamwork sport.It can make you smarter.AT the same time,it can improve your sport EQ.By practicing ,you can strengen your body & raise your Sensitivity aboutthe growing trend of competing.
我滴英语成绩也不是特别好 也就是初二的水平了 自己打的 希望可以帮助楼主呀 Everyonehaslotsofhobbies, somepeoplelikecollectcoin andstamp, andsomepeoplealsolikesport andmusic , butmy favouritesportisbasketball, Ithinkplaybasketballcan buildupmybodyand itcanmakemerelax .It is interesting andit can keep me healthy However , Iknow thatIspendlotsoftimeplayingbasketballisunwise. But I like it . Because It is very useful formy life .
Everyonehaslotsofhobbies, somepeoplelikecollectcoin andstamp, andsomepeoplealsolikesport andmusic , butmy favouritesportisbasketball, Ithinkplaybasketballcan buildupmybodyand itcanmakemerelax .It is interesting andit can keep me healthy However , Iknow thatIspendlotsoftimeplayingbasketballisunwise. But I like it . Because It is very useful formy life .
the advantages of playing basketball


1、 ”iverson:i love this game “"我可以接受失败,但我决不放弃”——乔丹2、I LOVE THIS GAME!!!”我爱这个运动“——乔丹3、"I don't care how high the starting point is, the most important thing is the ending point."“我不在乎起点有多高,最重要是终点。”——姚明4、“We just want to be that group of wolves. I am the first wolf, but all wolves need to be deployed, attacked and defended together.”“我们就是要当那一群狼,我是头狼,但所有的狼要一起布阵,一起进攻和防守。”——姚明5、“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney“如果你有梦想,你就能做到。”——华特•迪士尼6、“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe“始于足下。用你所有。做你所能。”——阿瑟•阿什7、“True love basketball, just to know what is defeated”“真正热爱篮球的人,才懂得什么是被打败。”8、”Life is like playing basketball, there are too many fake action““生活就像打篮球,有太多的假动作。”
奥尼尔说:i believe i can fly 乔丹:我可以接受失败,但我决不放弃iverson:i love this game乔丹名言,也是NBA的口号:I LOVE THIS GAME!!!艾弗森的:I am what I am.我很喜欢这句!耐克的:Just do it. 所有的:I love this game.
Love me or hate me Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fade away, my hungerHate that I'm a veteran, a champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons. ---------Kobe Bryant
乔丹:我可以接受失败,但我决不放弃 iverson:i love this game 乔丹名言,也是NBA的口号:I LOVE THIS GAME!!!
姚明对老鹰的一位球员说的:长的丑不是你的错,但是你出来吓人就是你的不对了. (他的中国英语我就不好意思打了,也有点忘了)


Basketball teaches you about being a good team player and can be a great social sport.Basketball puts a lot of stress on the body and injuries can happen, so warming up, stretching your muscles and joints, and cooling down is important.Basketball can help you: burn calories (an hour of basketball can burn 630–750 calories), build endurance, improve balance and coordination, develop concentration and self-discipline, build up muscle.
Let them know the benefits of playing basketball to the body. 让他们知道打篮球对身体的好处
Playing basketball can burn calories ; it is great for cardiovascular health; it can develop concentration and self-discipline; it builds bone strength; it can better motor skills and coordination; it can train strengths; it can reduce stress and boost the immune system; it can also enhance your confidence.
Basketball is a kind of sports that make your whole body workout to keep fit and strong ,and playing basketball is also a heathy and safe way to lose weight,making you look much younger with doing some cosmetic surgurys

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