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I like to play basketball./I like playing basketball.第一个表示一段时间内喜欢,第二个是长时间喜欢。
解答如下:“偶喜欢打篮球”英语翻译为:I like to play basketball. /I like playing basketball. /I am interested in playing basketball. /I enjoy playing basketball.有很多的翻译方式,看你喜欢哪种. 有不会的还可以来问我哈,望采纳谢谢O(∩_∩)O~。
I love/like playing basketball. I like to play basketball.I like basketball. I enjoy playing basketball.
I love playing basketball!
最简单的 I like playing basketball I love playing basketball,建议别选择单词那么难的,毕竟俗话说,写得多,错得多


我喜欢打篮球的英语:I like playing basketball。重点词汇:like读音:英 [laɪk] ;美 [laɪk]prep. 像,如同;符合……的方式;有……的特点;(用于询问)……怎么样;例如,好比v. 喜欢;想;愿意;希望conj. 好像;如同;像……一样n. 爱好(常复数);类似或同类的人或物adj. 类似的,相似的;(图像)逼真的adv. (非正式)可能;好像在说;和……一样n. (Like) (美、俄、印、英、巴)莉凯(人名)短语Like Wind 如风 ; 往事如烟 ; 沉醉于风中Like product 同类产品 ; 相同产品 ; 相似产品 ; 类似产品More like 多想 ; 更喜欢 ; 有多喜欢 ; 更像词语辨析parallel, uniform, identical, comparable, like, alike, similar这组词都有“相似的,类似的”的意思,其区别是:parallel 主要指在外表或在性质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。uniform 指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。identical 语气最强,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。comparable 指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。like 普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。alike 指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。similar 强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。
I like to play basketball.
I like playing basketball.
like doing表示喜欢做什么所以,我喜欢打篮球的英文是Ilikeplaying basketball.
I like play basketball.


I like toplaybasketball表示一种长久性的兴趣爱好Ilikeplayingbasketball表示短时间内喜欢,愿意做的 看你是要表达哪种意思


我喜欢篮球英语作文50词 急~~

我喜欢篮球英语作文50词范文: My Favorite Sport (basketball)I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.学习一些关于我喜欢篮球50词的英语作文对于学英语是有一些帮助的,但是想要英语学的更好,建议你可以学习在线外教培训班提高英语水平,这个价格不贵,一节课不超过20元,或者先领取免费试听课看看外教是怎样上课的。免费试听课地址:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取欧美真人外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索是欧美外教一对一授课的,而且都是欧美师资,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,外教都持有tesol(国际英语教师资格证书),阿卡索课程收费课均不到20,性价比超高。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。
我最喜欢的运动(篮球) My Favorite Sport (basketball) I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.我很喜欢运动, 我最喜欢的运动(篮球 My Favorite Sport basketball英语作文。足球,篮球,跑步和游泳是我的爱好。但是,我最喜欢的是篮球,因为我觉得打篮球很酷也很有意思。我经常和我同学一起打篮球。我们是一个很好的团队。打篮球是一个交友的好方法,毕竟我们有共同的兴趣。除此之外,打篮球还是我能够锻炼身体。
I like sports verymuch. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting. I often play basketball with my classmates. We are a good team. Playingbasketball is a good way to make friends. After all, we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.
I like play basketball,i play basketball every morning, with five friend。But three ago, i hurt my foot, So i can not play Basketball next 1 week,Because i must cure my foot first.
gjtpjmwtwmjumag.adatpwma.mtudagumdbg.kunjav.juwmeajux jmjtemjtwmjtkalnfa.gkuwmdbgkdagtjmdajtnlmj_dmjtjmb.gptltpjmmtxdtwjgmatnkmlnjtmaknjptkajtjmjtwmjumajptneajuwmeajuphbktwneaktpgbjtwmdytjaemxtjadmjtj.adjunjtwmdmxtjnujanvjdmukmjtkmwvjm 我也不知道自己写的是什么意思
我喜欢篮球英语作文50词 急~~


标题:Basketball is my favorite sport… I like the way they ALL dribble down the court.正文:Opening Day is here, and I am so ready.No one asked, but in light of the season starting and with my excitement growing, I thought that I, a massive sports fan, would give my personal explanation for what I love so much about the NBA. In short, it’s the players, and how incredibly athletic/exciting/entertaining/fresh/savvy/really f-ing good so many of them are.Check it out. Besides the NBA, my favorite “sports” to follow are Major League Baseball, the NFL, and college basketball (with some love for college football, European and MLS football/soccer and even hockey/tennis/golf when the time allows).I like the history and tradition of baseball, and I love the stats, but truthfully, this year’s Playoffs kind of put me to sleep. Thing is, I’m a lifelong Dodger fan, and when their season ended in late-September, so did any true passion of mine for the game. I get the Extra Innings package, which is great, but over the course of the season I bet I watched three games on there that didn’t involve the Dodgers; the rest of the players/teams just couldn’t sustain my interest. Ultimately, I don’t have this problem with the NBA. Put a gun to my head, I’m telling you my favorite team is the Bulls, forged by MJ, Pip and a father who grew up outside Chicago loving the likes of Jerry Sloan. But it’s been an up-and-down fanship. For much of grammar, middle and high school, my main focus was the Nets, as I loved being different from the Knick fans I went to school with and I dug Net players through the years like Micheal Ray Richardson, Chris Morris and Kenny Anderson.
My favorite sport is basketball.I think basketball players are cool and athletic.I want to be a basketball star in the future.I will try my best to achieve my dream!
2L完全是错误滴。。。 应该是I love to play basketball或者I love playing basketball。LZ说得不明不白的。。。 什么问题咱反正是没有看明白。。。
i love basketball I love playing basketball是我喜欢打篮球。。。。。。
I Like play basketball!

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